Thursday, May 08, 2008

Doctor Doctor

Bisolvon Linctus. Now there's a name from the Land of Too-Sick-To-Go-To-School, or in this case, work. Ja I've been off sick today, and went to the doctor at about 4pm. Nice chat. We spoke - of all things - about the impact America has had on Asia, especially Korea and Japan. He's from the platteland, and also a big swimmer.

He says I have the sort of growth in my air canal that only people who have done A LOT of swimming get. They're sort of minute warts - and he says nobody knows why they develop. My theory is that the ears don't like getting water in them, and the prolonged exposure causes a reaction that is an attempt to seal off the vulnerable membranes against the damaging impact of salt or chlorine. Just a theory.

I told the doctor about my experience at Changi airport in Singapore. Where I was standing at a free internet terminal and suddenly felt like I was in an elevator. Just felt my legs buckle slightly a few times. I didn't mention how I almost threw up in the plane when I was given something to eat (a small dinner snack at around 3am).

The doc diagnosed an impressive infection that has spread even to my ears, and on my doctor's note cited 'exhaustion'. He recommended bed rest, and specifrically that I stay away from keyboards and computers for a few days. IN ORDER TO REST.

I have 4 sets of medications to work through, among them, Bisolvon Linctus. It even tastes like childhood. Transparent, semi-sweet, semi salty. A syrup that's supposed to make you feel better by dissolving the sicky green mucous of life. The mucous is doing well - I'm feeling worse than I did this morning which means I need to not be doing what I'm doing right now for a while. Brent Crude is going to have to go its merry way to $125 without 'I told you so's' and 'why we can't be a throwaway society any more' and other running commentaries.

From my sickbed I have to say I can see how the world is starting to unravel; the pace I mean, is picking up. The difference is, when I am overwhelmed with stress, I get sick, stay home a few days, take something, and a few days later I'm back to normal. Unfortunately, and this isn't doomsday at all, it's reality: our oil addictions have taken society down a path that is terminal. You don't come back to work feeling better. This stuff doesn't get better, it gets more difficult by the day. We're in that zone now. Even I can't tell you whether the human organism in its entirety is going to survive this. And right now, those serpents are beginning to writhe.

The best prescription I can recommend for you who want to know what to think about the world and where it is going, is to do what I am doing: read Jim Kunstler's World Made By Hand. And take some time to honestly think about your life, where it is going and collectively, where everything is going.

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