Thursday, December 02, 2004


Definition: Beauty as a result of balance or harmonious arrangement.

Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. People are mammals, and mammals are vertebrates, and all vertebrates are symmetrical. Half of the body is a mirror opposite to the other half. It may seem natural and beautiful to you, but a worm or an octopus mind think you're damn ugly.

If you look inside the skull at the brain, it's interesting to see that it isn't just a ball of nerves. There are two distinct sides, two hemispheres. One hemipshere specialises in a certain type of process, the other in an opposite process. There is a dual nature to the universe two: polarities, like positive and negative, day and night, male and female, heaven and hell, hot and cold, living and dead. So it is interesting that the structure of our brain reflects to some degree the yin and yangness of the universe. Perhaps you believe that this is all there is, that duality, is the way of the world, the way of men and women. If you did, it might be worth thinking about that again. Because a trinity, adding a third dimension, is actually a higher order of life, of existence, of consciousness, than duality. YMy brain may be configured with two hemispheres, I might be able to write with my right hand (using my left brain) and then draw a picture, maybe with my left hand, I'd be utilising my right, creative brain, to a large degree. But what if I could co-ordinate both hemisperes. What if I could think holistically, and think of all the minutiae involved? That would be a higher order of consciousness than either or.

A trinity is more sophisticated than duality. It's body, mind and spirit. It's past, present and future, id, ego, and superego (instead of merely insecure and secure). It's the father, son and holy ghost, all roled into one. It's Oneness. It's bringing everything together. It's moving from dependence (left brain, analysis, breaking down endless problems, dependent on problems like the problem of time, and other unsolveable I independence...when you can visualise a more holistic concept of yourself, you can live and move confidently but be open and able to share, first understanding others, to the highest level which brings the other two together - interdependence.

Our bodies are shaped symmetrically. Our minds are two sided. Bilateral symmetry, or two-sidedness, in vertebratesmeans our bodies, our very selves are divided into symmetrical halves by a vertical plane passing through the middle.
What about other creatures: radial symmetry, as in echinoderm (think of Starfish and other sea creatures - there are no echinoderms that live on land) is that in which the individual parts are arranged symmetrically around a central axis.
Serial symmetry, or zonal symmetry, as in earthworms, is that in which the segments or metameres of the body are disposed in a zonal manner one after the other in a longitudinal axis.
The important thing to remember is in terms of human beings, and many other creatures, symmetry is often external. Yes we have two arms, and two legs. The left hand is a mirror image of the right. But inside our bodies we have only one heart, one liver, and our intestines are all over the place.

Symmetry is about finding balance in the world. Symmetry is a way of reflecting the symmetry in the world, in the universe, in ourselves. We can do this consciously, or unconsciously. Our bodies have been formed by the consciousness of the universe. But we can still create a higher existence if we can think beyond duality, so spiritual possibilties, spiritual truths.

Symmetries are of the highest importance in mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and also feature prominently in biology and in the arts. Symmetry runs through all things, and to be aware of it, is to bring balance back to thoughts and words and actions.

The symmetry is everywhere. In sport, symmetry is simple. There may be opposing halves, or opposite sides of a court, or net. It may be a pool or a platform, divided into lanes, or cordoned off with lines. There is a start, and a finish, and then there is also the race, the competition itself. Life is the same way and when we see all the overlaps, and see ourselves reflected in all these things, then the magic begins to reveal itelf, and we can become powerful again in the universe.

bsp;Posted by Hello

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