Thursday, October 22, 2009

I believe 10 years from now this era will be mocked for how stupid, distracted and sheeplike we were in our beliefs

SHOOT: An era of sheep unable to think for themselves despite vast resources of information, despite news and media and an interesting thing called the IN TER NET. This will be an era known for the bullshitters and their bullshit, and the idiots - the majority of us - who lived in the pigsty for years, eating shovel-loads of garbage for breakfast every day.

- Limited consensus on our energy predicament
- Limited consensus on our environmental predicament
- Limited consensus on disease, what causes obesity and cancer

Remember what the tobacco industry and McDonalds did when cancer was linked to smoking, and fast food to obesity. They clouded, muddied the issue. And people liked to rationalise this confusion with what they wanted to do.

Same thing with many other issues. It's personal greed triumphing over ordinary common sense. We've become very clever at being incredibly stupid.

I find it ironic that in Christianity Jesus also refers to 'his flock' and 'his sheep'.
clipped from

WASHINGTON – The number of Americans who believe there is solid evidence that the Earth is warming because of pollution is at its lowest point in three years.

That's the conclusion of a national survey released Thursday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.

The poll of 1,500 adults found that only 57 percent believe there is strong scientific evidence that the Earth has gotten warmer. The steepest drop occurred over the last year, as Congress and the Obama administration have taken steps to control heat-trapping emissions for the first time.

Half the respondents still said they supported limits on global warming gases.

The poll's results differ from previous surveys which have shown an overwhelming majority of Americans believe global warming is happening.

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