Thursday, October 08, 2009

Friedman: If people lose confidence in the dollar, we could enter a feedback loop, as with the climate

"We’re driving in a car with bad brakes in a fog and heading for a cliff. We know for sure that cliff is out there. We just don’t know exactly where it is. Prudence would suggest that we should start putting on the brakes.” - John Holdren

SHOOT: It's already happening; it's underway. It's what Jim Kunstler calls a Clusterfuck, or more politely, converging catastrophes. This is the price we pay for destraction, and ADD and greed, and just being fantastically preoccupied with ourselves and our wants. I personally believe the #1 issue will be climate change, exactly because it is too amorphous to connect to ourselves, we'll ignore it until our skin's turn red in the sun/heat.
clipped from

I am a 56-year-old baby boomer, and looking around today it’s very clear that my generation had it easy: We grew up in the shadow of just one bomb — the nuclear bomb. That is, in our day, it seemed as if there was just one big threat that could trigger a nonlinear, 180-degree change in the trajectory of our lives: the Soviets hitting us with a nuke. My girls are not so lucky.

Today’s youth are growing up in the shadow of three bombs — any one of which could go off at any time and set in motion a truly nonlinear, radical change in the trajectory of their lives.

Today, the nuclear threat can be delivered by all kinds of states or terrorists, including suicidal jihadists for whom mutual assured destruction is a delight, not a deterrent.

But there are now two other bombs our children have hanging over them: the debt bomb and the climate bomb.

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