Monday, September 14, 2009

SHOOT - what's it about?

During the growing crisis we face - Climate Change, the Credit Crunch, the Energy Crunch, Resource Wars, Pandemic Disease (all of which are in play) - we will need to shoot the truth.

SHOOT: I suppose I also need to be clear that SHOOT isn't about gun use or violence. It's primarily about being truthful and accountable - in other words being REAL.
Shoot is an epithet that represents either a word or an action. Conventionally the word means:

To hit, wound, or kill with a missile fired from a weapon.
To discharge (a weapon).
But it also applies to information:
To send forth suddenly, intensely, or swiftly
To utter (sounds or words) forcefully, rapidly, or suddenly
And then it applies generally to Life, what it is and what Life does, or can do:
The part of a vascular plant that is above ground, including the stem and leaves.
To begin to grow or produce; put forth.
The young growth arising from a germinating seed; a sprout.
To spend, use up, or waste (as in, they shot their savings)
The webzine espouses the most basic meaning of the word - to say or do something with emphasis and urgency. This is what is required in a world that has deluded itself through artifice, through manipulations and exaggerations.
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