Friday, September 25, 2009

Netanyahu vs Ahmadinejad/Israel vs Iran

SHOOT: Netanyahu's plan appears to be to attack Iran before Iran attack's Israel. I don't buy the theory at all. By all means, a country is entitled to defend itself. But once it declares itself allowed to unilaterally attack other countries, well that's an uncivilised levelof barbarism. Netanyahu referring to the Holocaust as a rationale to attack Iran, and thus create their own holocaust, is, I feel, misguided. Israel's settlements on territories that are not theirs is further evidence on their stirring up resentments. By all means, monitor the nuclear setup in Iran. But let's be fair - Israel possesses nuclear weapons. The answer is that no country should.
clipped from
Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, holds up Nazi documents during his

The documents he brought to the podium of the U.N. General Assembly Thursday also included the protocol of the meeting where the Nazis decided on the Final Solution.

Netanyahu tied the Holocaust issue to Iran's nuclear program and Ahmadinejad's rejection of Israel's right to exist, and seemed to tacitly draw a parallel between the world's treatment of Iran today and its failure to act against Hitler in time to head off World War II and save European Jewry.

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