Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to know if your man is a keeper

A guy who makes you feel like the luckiest woman alive -- like you can (and should!) be your confident, fabulous self -- is worth hanging on to. "It's not just about how you feel about him but more about how he makes you feel about yourself," Kirshenbaum says.

SHOOT: I'm not sure if I agree that it's more about him determining how you feel about yourself; what about how you feel about yourself? #1 is interesting. Can't say I have my act together, but wouldn't say I'm a party boy or a screw up.
Happy couple embracing (iStockphoto)
#1. Keeper clue: He has his act together.
seems like a no-brainer, but it's a good place to start. "It's very
important that you two be able to have a lot of fun together, so a
party boy or a screw-up will probably not work out for you," says Mira
Kirshenbaum, a family and couples therapist and author of Is He Mr.
Right? "No matter how charming he is, if he is still struggling to grow
up, it will get very old, very fast."
#2. Keeper clue: He puts you first.
a delicious platter of grilled steak. Does your man offer it to you
first to pick the best piece? He does if he's a keeper!
#3. Keeper clue: He's not afraid of your germs.
know a guy is really into you when he can't stay away, even when you're
bedridden and snotty.
#4. Keeper clue: He's a family man.
asks about your family, and he seems to genuinely want to hear about
#5. Keeper clue: He makes time for your friends.
#6. Keeper clue: He's your biggest cheerleader.
#7. Keeper clue: He remembers the little things.
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