Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Botlierskop - A Natural Connection

NVDL: I step into the tent. The floor is pine, there’s a four poster bed softened with mosquito nets, and tastefully arranged whicker chairs — leather bound — with rustic metal lamps giving off a warm glow. Behind the bed, set in a nice nook, is a solid earthenware bath. Toiletries are on hand for all sorts of bath- time pampering and a refrigerator is fully stocked. Candles and heaters provide the finishing touches for a perfectly natural atmosphere.

And that’s what it is.

All natural.

It’s a delight to be so connected to nature. Lions roar and an elephant trumpets.

Botlierskop is a gentle and magical experience.
clipped from

Mountains to the north, ocean to the south, elephants and rock art in the middle — Botlierskop is a unique escape, writes Nick van der Leek

Despite an ignominious flight number — MN 911 — I emerge alive from the rear of the green, missile-shaped McDonnell Douglas.

The purple Outeniqua Mountains behind George Airport push against the deadweight of stress that has built up inside me. I feel it beginning to shift and, in its place, life emerges; grass roots stir in the still, dry, soil of my soul.

I’m happy to escape.

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