Tuesday, April 10, 2007


That's a word that's cropped up a lot. It describes the weather, the markets and more in particular: me.

For starters I've moved out of Brebner Road, so just that on its own leaves me feeling abit displaced. Fransa and I have also broken up, and my relationships in general appear to be in flux.

Having been at work and then away almost three weeks, it's difficult to slot back in, and one wonders - after living life so vigourously and passionately - if one should slot back in to a humdrum existence. Simply because it pays the bills?

Routine though is good, in a sense, as it provides structure to one's life. And one can decorate, I suppose, around the periphery of a structured, routine existence.

I'll write more about the cycling tour - from Hartenbos to Langebaan, when I have a little more time. Perhaps I can just say that the tour ended with a walk in a misty lagoon, and around each footfall, blue light rippled and splashed around our feet. There is magic in the world, if we only find the space in our lives to go and experience it.

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