Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Comment: In cold blood: Korean society scrutinised

By Lana Lemmer

Stereotypes and generalisations are dangerous

Nick, Nick, Nick... Why on earth would you republish those stereotypes about Koreans and those many generalisations you happen to have on hand?
I myself am an English major and an international student in Canada... Should people reading your article be wary of me because I share two things in common with the guy who shot a bunch of his school mates?

I know this is a little removed but a friend of a friend happens to be Korean and was beat up by some narrow minded imbecile because he was Korean just like the murderer. How can anyone justify this? It is absolutely ridiculous to punish other Koreans or put them down because this guy happened to be from there.
It is important to note that this killer was in fact mentally ill. He had been diagnosed by a psychologist as being an immediate danger to others and yet nothing was done. The fact that he killed a bunch of people was not because he was an English Major or a Korean.

Seriously this kind of stuff can be really dangerous.
It is called discrimination and as far as I was aware it really isn’t something that should be encouraged in any form.

But I guess that is just my opinion and you are free to yours.

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