Friday, September 16, 2005

35/5 Hoola Hoop

Another nice day. Saw quite a few foreign teachers at the bus stop. Jeff, and greeted someone who turned out not to be Diana. She waved at me though, from a distance, as I hopped onto the bus. Wonder where they are going, as I've never seen them waiting at this bus stop in all the months I've been here.

Babysat a blue schoolbag in my first class. After 15 minutes, Chris was still either invisible or not in the class. Had a look around and found him downstairs, outside, playing with a dark blue hoolahoop. As I approached he pretended not to see me, and slunk downstairs. I called him, took his hand and mentioned to the director that, "He's playing outside, but the class started 20 minutes ago."
The director made a sound, basically like "ssssh," and that was it. I'm sure this kid is petrified to do the same thing next time.

Sharon looked down, and when I asked why she said the kids behaviour is getting her down.

I actually arrive at school in a fairly even state of mind, and when I leave, feel quite ragged. A lot of it is just stomaching unacceptable behaviour. Don't want to report every misdemeanour or dwell on it.
Suffice it to say, when I start out the day I expect I'll go running in the evening, or cycle indoors at home. But when I arrive home I feel pretty wasted and irritated.
It's fine to have an internal control whatever the weather. Not so fine if the weather is slimy every day.

Anyway I accept this, so am just trying to make the best of it.
This weekend we have an extra day, so going to do some rollerblading and walk in the park and just get refreshed and recharge. Not much time left now.

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