Monday, September 26, 2005

32/1 Itchy and Scratchy

Everything feels itchy and scratchy. Before I went to bed I cleaned up most of my apartment, which was getting a bit itchy and scratchy itself. Woke up with an itchy and scratchy throat after a terrible sleep. Rich dreams - must start to write them down, although it seems I have enough on my plate to write about without adding a portion of dreams.

I have dedicated a lot more time this year to developing my writing, and this blog is partial evidence of that. One of the side effects is severely disrupted sleep patterns, excessive thinking (often pointless peculations and analysis) and weight gain and loss of fitness. The idea shouldn't be to write and drop everything else, merely to write more and keep a proportionate balance in other things. So need to work on that.

The new trick at school is to say, "Teacher, no book." And then when you check their bags, the book is there. Then you say, "Finish your work," or "Catch up" and they say, "Teacher, water." Quite funny actually.

There's a new teacher in Abraham Lincoln's place, called Jessica. Seems very nice, though we'd hardly spoke beyond a quick introduction in passing.

Need to draw money on my way home, pay my phone bill tomorrow morning and get more boxes filled up.
And need to repair my blind which is only hanging on one screw after I yanked at it open it.

6 weeks now.

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