Monday, March 28, 2005

Treasure Hunt

I am sitting here very bleary eyed, but I forced myself to come, because I can't afford to fall asleep at 7pm and then wake up at 3 or 4am. I'm trying to get with the new day/night pattern as soon as possible. The longer I am out of it, the more ill and cluastrophic it becomes. Yesterday I woke up at 4pm and when I went outside the sun was just setting. So my whole day was dark! Don't think I would survive long in a place like Iceland in winter. I remember England was hell. Sun sets there around 3pm.

Today was quite warm. I deferred my 09:30 meeting with Jeremy, and met him just before lunch instead. A bit of a mixup as I ended up going by taxi to the wrong POLY school... Got there in the end, better late than never. The director seemed to genuinely like me, but approached me later saying he would like to give me an opportunity, but was worried that the parents might have some reservations (about my being South African). Jeremy and I suggested a test run, and he agreed with some enthusiasm.

Jeremy and I had a very long lunch and chat, which meant I missed my first swim in Korea. I was feeling sleepy then, so not sure if I would have made it this far through the day had I left the lunch early.
After getting Starbucks coffee, we went our separate ways, and later met up for another interview, however the lady was not around. She did offer me a part time post, which Jeremy thought was 'interesting'.

The 3rd interview was for a position teaching adults, and they were looking for someone with a business background. I studied Economics and Marketing, have had a role in management, so that is close enough, I thought. So did they.
The salary is a minimum of R13 000 a month, after rent, and a maximum of R17 500 (once all available classes are filled). The hours are a bit awkward, but I am here to work and train, so I believe this third opportunity is the one I'll take. It's a reputable school, and the director is intelligent, sensible and I like his philosophy. He is someone I can talk with, and reason with, and when I talk I can see he is listening.

He has a photograph on the wall of a Korean standing on the summit of a 8000m mountain. He said, as I walked out, that I look a lot younger than 33, and that he wants a healthy, fit person for the job, because someone with a strong body has a good mind, and a good balance. I appreciated that, and had a good feeling about our meeting. So I think I will go for that one.

I will make a quick trip, I think, during my 5 day break in early August, to South Africa, to sign for a townhouse hopefully in Bloem, and a place in PE or J'Bay. I will get one or two agents busy preparing the paperwork and emailing me photos and descriptions of the places between now and then. Things are starting to take shape.
I hope I will still find the time to train. I believe I will. I will be able to swim most mornings, and go for a run or cycle in the afternoon. Plus I have weekends to get the big workouts in.
So looks good.

I am so sleepy. KT is coming to connect the internet tomorrow. Once that is done I won't have to leave the apartment.
I need to sleep.
Will wake up early tomorrow, go for an easy run, a swim a bit later, and then head to the school to sign the contract. Have I thought of everything...?

Will be good to be organised and legal in this country, and moving in a definite way along the road to a home.

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