Monday, June 22, 2009

Will Online advertising also enter a recession?

SHOOT: Tough question. If print collapses online will continue to grow. What do you think?

Matthew Buckland: The costs to produce a newspaper and to print advertising are out of control. When these costs point to bankruptcy — the institutional bias (in favour of traditional media media, and against online advertising) will be broken.
Online advertising: this medium has shown a remarkable growth due to its consumption escalation within South Africa, which is a positive sign indeed. Although many still do not have access to computers; however advanced cellphones will become a podium for social networking space that media planners are now recognising.
Digizines (digital magazines): technology advances speedily and the industry needs to be on the guard. Many media owners have launched magazines online and newspapers have created an opportunity to access news as well, which is not necessarily negative. However, a crucial question: “Is this not replacing traditional media within the affluent market?”
Products that consider the environment: an increased number of consumers prefer “green” goods, hence organisations should pay attention to the environment.
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