Saturday, May 02, 2009

3 years ago SHOOT was ahead of the curve on Pandemic Flu: Thursday, May 25, 2006 5:10 PM

>>> Nick v d Leek 5/24/2006 11:20:30 PM >>>
Hi Professor Bragg

I met the Scientific Director of Retroscreen Virology today, Professor John Oxford. I thought you experts ought to get together and perhaps exchange views. His email is - I met him at a Tamiflu launch, so he is in SA at present.

Please also elaborate on the link between your H5N1 vaccine research and the implications for AIDS. I wasn't sure exactly what was involved - just caught the edge of the SABC news clip.

If you can schedule some time maybe we can have a discussion.

I published our last interview on a citizen reporter site (not a big deal really), called

>>Shoot: More articles on H5N1.

My editor was interested but the magazine was already full.

Hope you are well. Oxford seems to think we're 3 years away (obviously a sort've educated guess) from a pandemic situation.
Anyway, thought you might want his details as he is also fairly clued up and in touch with the WHO.


and see


Just a quick response - did you watch CNN last night or this morning? there is concern that the first human to human case has happened in Indonesia!

I am going overseas on 12 June for about a month, so time is a bit tight. I will let you know next week how my program is looking. We can maybe arrange something then.

I am not working on an AI vaccine. I am working on a DNA vaccine for Beak and Feather disease virus in parrots which attacks the immune system of birds in a similar way that HIV attacks the human immune system. They are, however, totally different viruses and not related to each other in any way.

See you.

Rob Bragg

Read the full interview with Prof. Bragg on the topic of Pandemic flu conducted in November 2006.

Note to journalists and editors covering Mexican Swine Flu/H1N1: Email me if you would like the latest updates on what these experts think on this breaking news story.

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