Friday, July 18, 2008

A World Without Mandela is Becoming Too Horrible To Contemplate

Yes he is just a man, but in him are vested the hopes of many, and when he is no longer there, will those hopes remain? The great leadership vacuum worldwide is like a great that many people feel is growing. Who will stand up against the darkness of corruption, troubles, growing disorder and chaos. Without Mandela we will have our memories to fall back on. And, of course, merely ourselves and each other.
clipped from

“Mandela is 90,” the Mail and Guardian said in its online edition Friday ( “But the sweet celebration of a life of leadership, service and generosity is mixed with the sour taste of a legacy being polluted in front of the old man’s tired eyes. “

It went on: “ Where Mandela united, Mbeki has divided. His willingness to forgive and be reconciled with his former persecutors in the interests of South Africa is in sharp contrast with the “politics of total takeover” that has gripped the ruling party.”

It is thus with a certain wistfulness that some South Africans contemplate a post-Mandela era.

“Mandela can’t come to our rescue any more. But his example can,” the newspaper said.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The article in Mail & Guardian says it all!