Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dark Knight Sequel To Star Matthew Lesko as Riddler?

Wiki: Matthew Lesko (born 1943) is an American author and host of an infomercial often played late night on basic cable. He has authored reference books telling people how to get "free" money from the United States Government. He is popularly known as "that question mark guy" for the Riddler-like suit that he wears in his television commercials, infomercials, interviews, and in everyday use.
clipped from

Gotham is abuzz with media reports that mega-manic infomercial kingpin Matthew Lesko has been tapped to play the Riddler in the next Batman/Dark Knight sequel, “The Dark Knight Forever,” slated for 2010.

The announcement, which appeared Tuesday on Google, quoted Warner Bros. production president Jeff Robinov. "I can't quite put my finger on what it is, but my gut tells me [Lesko’s] a natural for this part. There's just something about his look that screams 'Riddler!'"

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