Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Human Beings Are Incredibly Clever And So We Will ALL Be All Right - Right?

Imagine a disease that starts to impact on the supremely intelligent species that we are. Let's say it's quite serious. It's a new disease and it starts killing millions of people (2.5 million per year) more people than are killed by all conflicts combined. After more than 25 years of research, there is no cure, and no vaccine. Clever eh.
clipped from www.msnbc.msn.com
"Fundamentally we don't understand enough about the human immune system and we don't know how the immune system deals with HIV."
The conference — a gathering of many of the top names in HIV research — follows a year that saw scientists drop plans for widespread human testing of the two most promising vaccine prototypes due to safety concerns.
The AIDS virus infects an estimated 33 million people globally and has killed 25 million since it was identified in the 1980s. Cocktails of drugs can control the virus but there is no cure.
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