Friday, August 31, 2007

Enter Online & Get Lucky

Entering online competitions in South Africa means that you have a better than average chance of winning. This is especially true when visiting the more specialized websites.

The reason for this is that South Africa’s websites attract fairly small segments of the market, and niche websites attract an even thinner segment of the population. This explains how and why I won a hamper from Bicycling recently.

On The Times online right now, you can also win yourself anything from a snazzy video camera, to a Spa Package to a Beer Bird chicken braaier. Visit the ‘Competitions’* page at or

Recently Johncom held a ‘300’ DVD competition. 10 winners received DVD’s and t-shirts from Nu Metro, and two of the winners were work colleagues. Gallo (another brand that is part of Johncom’s stable of brands) will be adding a competition soon for the latest James Blunt CD.

So visiting these sites is really an easy way to get lucky. The questions are ridiculously easy, but make sure you get them right. I’ve been told quite a large proportion of entrants probably don’t bother to make sure of their answers.

So the next time you’re online, make it count. You never know, one click may win you a weekend away with someone special.


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