Monday, October 17, 2005

2/15 Running With Rowan

Another cool and sunny day.
Left my apartment at 11:30am and as I got onto the main boulevard of Lake Park I saw Rowan. He was running the other way but since he'd just started his lap we went together. Twice around and had a very interested conversation. He's doing Chungcheon Marathon this weekend. He's hoping for 3:20 - a good time if he can manage it. He says he'll do another marathon, same one I'm doing, two weeks later.

Run: 10km (2 laps)
Time: 1:06
Heart rate: 160 average

Can't give exact readings 'cos I forgot to restart my watch after stopping it at the first intersection. The Memory is also full since I have not downloaded any of the past 5 - 6 workouts on my notebook - since the notebook is still at school.

Rowan and I went our separate ways just befoe the bridge. I went to do some pullups. 85.5kg is getting hard to lift!

Pullups: 10

Arrived home very sweaty but happily invigorated. Hopefully join Rowan same time, same place again some time.

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