Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Photojournalism Saw Its Reflection In The Mirror

4301291178 bbbec1841c 300x201 Photojournalism Saw Its Reflection In The Mirror 
With one camera or another since I was 8 years old, I’ve always loved photojournalism. Always aimed to take compelling photos, always dreamed of being more of a photojournalist.
But after experiencing the story of this photo… I have to say I think less of my love for photojournalism than I used to.
As in great photos trigger great sympathy, triggers great humanity. Yet the humanity that is taking many of those pictures, I mean look at ‘em.
 Photojournalism Saw Its Reflection In The MirrorWhat they do as journalists is not so great. We need to know the truth of what is going on. But how can a photographer let us know what’s going on without being an inane gawker?
Below from PrisonPhotography:
“Canadian photographer Lucas Oleniuk has been awarded a National Newspaper Award in Canada for his image of Fabienne Cherisma dead on a Port-au-Prince roof-top, one week after the Haiti Earthquake.
cherisma garcia rawlins1 300x180 Photojournalism Saw Its Reflection In The MirrorEight weeks ago Paul Hansen won a national award in his home country of Sweden. In March, I wrote about Hansen’s and other photographers’ awards for coverage of Fabienne’s death – Brouhaha in Sweden following Award to Paul Hansen for his Image of Fabienne Cherisma”

That’s now five photographers recognised for their images made within the space of an hour on a Tuesday afternoon.”

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