Sunday, September 20, 2009

Achilles tendonitis - how much rest do you need?

SHOOT: I recently injured my achilles tendon. It's caused by increasing volume or intensity too rapidly. I rested for a week, and ran very slowly today in the gym, and after 2 minutes, the tendon twinged and whatever 'healing' took place has been undone. This article suggests 2 weeks rest, treating with icepacks and anti-inflammatives, and cycling to maintain fitness.

clipped from

Achilles Tendonitis: This affliction is the curse of the running classes. Here's how to prevent it, and how to recover if you've been unlucky

Achilles tendonitis is a 'chronic stress' injury. The cause of the damage to the tendon is excessive forces, where lots of little stresses accumulate to overload the tendon. This is in contrast to an 'acute stress' or 'accident'-type injury, where a single large stress causes the damage, e.g., an ankle ligament sprain.

The rehabilitation process should take place after one or two weeks of rest, during which time the athlete does no activity apart from some gentle calf stretching. After this rest period the tendon should have 'healed' and any pain and inflammation should have gone. This is the time to begin strengthening the tendon.

The workout comprises the following, and should be performed every day:

1. Warm-up
2. Stretching
3. Eccentric programme
4. Stretching

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