Thursday, September 20, 2007

Climate Porn

From the
Steering away from 'climate porn' danger

By Michael McCarthy

Alarmist language used to discuss the threat of global warming is tantamount to "climate porn", offering a thrilling spectacle but ultimately distancing the public from the problem, a leading progressive think tank has warned.

This alarmism, seen in almost every discussion about climate change, excludes the possibility of real action, suggesting the problem is too big to be overcome, according to a study published by Britain's left-leaning Institute for Public Policy Research.

The institute examined more than 600 articles from the UK press, and more than 90 TV, radio and press advertisements, news clips and websites to find out how the media, government and green groups are communicating climate change.

It concluded that the discussion on climate change in Britain was confusing, contradictory, chaotic, and likely to make the public feel disempowered.

NVDL: All information on this subject, as well as other alarming realities (Peak Oil) etc. should be accompanied by suggestions, actions, lifestyle modifications. However, I tend to disagree with the basic theory here. It's obvious that none of these major subjects form part of local, national or even international Zeitgeist. Thus, I'd be an advocate of communicating these topics until it is part of the Zeitgeist, and from there, working on collective efforts to actively address these issues.

Right now we're dealing with a world that's overloaded with images, communication etc., and also distracted by all the entertainments and commercials flying out at them from each and every channel. Thus, important messages need to compete against meaningless noise.

Click here to read Biophile's FACT and Fiction page on Climate Change.

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