Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Garbage In, Garbage Out

I'd like to clarify that I don't support or encourage what these kids are allowed to do in class. In fact, I strongly disagree with the policy's of my school.
If I had my way they would not be allowed to bring any food into class (let alone consume food - if this junk can be called food - during class time). I have tried very hard to stamp it out, and was successful for a while...but the director has countermanded me many times, and obviously what do the kids really want to do: study or eat? I'm not sure whether it's a school or a tuckshop, a school or Gobble&Bloat Restaurant.
This is the director's idea of a Disneyland school. He'll see them eating icecreams and growing donkey ears and donkeys tails (as seen in Pinochio) before he sees them learning anything useful. Even though the kids, and the director, know I hate it when they eat in class, it has gone on.

The pictures above (and below) were all taken on Tuesday the 9th of November, 2005.
If the parents knew what sort of ignoramous the director of this school was, they would pull their kids out immediately, and demand a refund. Teachers are also recommended not to apply for work here, unless they also suffer from a compulsion to eat garbage all day and get paid less and less to do that more and more.

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