Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oprah - a big phony?

Oprah Winfrey -- who built a billion-dollar empire persuading everyone from celebs to average Joes to reveal the truth about themselves -- is a big phony when it comes to her own past, an explosive new book charges.

SHOOT: Ironically, at Oprah's school the headmistress was found guilty of abusing her position and molesting the girls. Ironic because Oprah also abuses her position as a purveyor of honesty and good values, meanwhile leading a different life which many Americans wouldn't approve of or support if they knew.
clipped from

Winfrey's relationship with longtime "love" Stedman Graham, her reputed dirt-poor upbringing in rural Mississippi, her rumored lesbian crushes on women such as Diane Sawyer -- all are stories she has manipulated for decades in the name of sensational ratings, according to writer Kitty Kelley's latest unauthorized biography "Oprah."

* She lavished romantic gifts -- including a diamond toe ring -- on ABC talking head Diane Sawyer.

* She doesn't know the true identity of her biological father.

* Her relationship with her own mother is so cold that Winfrey won't even let the older woman have her phone number.

Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Miss., in 1954, and, the way she likes to tell it, she was so impoverished that she never had any new dresses or dolls and had to adopt two cockroaches as pets, naming them Melinda and Sandy.

But her family says that's nonsense.

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