Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm screwed! I want to read your book but I don't have a Kindle! >>>I get this a lot, so here's the answer, once and for all (but, again)

Dear Mr van der Leek
I have read the excellent reviews of your book about the Oscar Pistorius Murder trial and noticed that the book is available through Amazon as the Kindle edition. 
Since I do not own a Kindle reader, I want to know whether it is possible that I can purchase the last chapter only of the book in pdf format so that I can read it on my computer.
I will be very grateful if this is possible and if you can let me know how to go about the process.
Yours sincerely
[Kindleless Person]

Hi [Kindleless Person]

Actually you don't need a Kindle to read it on your computer.

What you need is:

1. any digital device with an internet connection
2. an account with amazon (ie have you ever ordered a book from amazon)
3. you probably need to download a free app.

Make sense?

If you don't come right let me know and we'll make a plan.


I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious - Albert Einstein 

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