Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Is Beeld's coverage of the Oscar Case South Africa's Best?

From Insights:

Byleveld sê ook indien hy die ondersoekbeampte was, sou hy fokus op ’n moontlike motief.
“Motief, motief, motief. Is daar ’n motief in die saak?”
Volgens hom “blyk” dit asof die staat ’n sterk saak het.

To graphics
and more graphics:
From Aerial photos:
To Video Animation...

From the second video its immediately obvious that on Oscar's version the balcony door, originally opened, is closed, and the curtains and blinds drawn (making it dark inside the house). Oscar later returns and opens the door (as the door originally was). The question that arises - when he opened the door, did he also open the blinds and curtains? Also, the front door was open when security arrived. Same thing. Oscar went downstairs after shooting Reeva, in his version, to open the door. But why not open the door when you get to the door? Why go downstairs first?

And then analysis:

'n Raaiselagtige woordewisseling wat op 21 Februarie vanjaar by Oscar Pistorius se huis in die Silwer Woods-landgoed in Pretoria gehoor is, is Dinsdag in sy moordverhoor opgeklaar.
Die tweede getuie in die saak, Estelle van der Merwe, wat ook naby aan Pistorius bly, het getuig sy het 'n argument minder as twee weke gelede by die Pistorius-huis gehoor.
“Dit was donker en ek is nie seker nie, maar ek dink daar was 'n wit viertrek-voertuig wat voor Pistorius se huis gestaan het.”
Barry Roux, vir Pistorius, het later gesê die insident waarvan die getuie gepraat het, was lede van die verdedigingspan wat sekere aspekte getoets het rondom " 'n man en 'n vrou wat op mekaar skree". - City Press
They also seem to be the only media who know:

- June Steenkamp has gone home (and only ever intended to attend the first day)
- Oscar's brother Carl was seen hugging June supportively in a low key moment sometime during the trial

- Kim Martin, another relative, one who had met Oscar and Reeva previously at Bloubergstrand, was present, and made eye contact with Oscar during his trial appearance.

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