Monday, October 11, 2010

Cigar Guy Revealed [He's everywhere!]

Follow Jay Busbee on Twitter at @jaybusbee
Cigar Guy's secret identity has been revealed, and in the end, the truth was right in front of our faces all along.
Cigar Guy is, of course, the mysterious grinning stranger in the corner of that famous Daily Mail Tiger Woods photo from the Ryder Cup last week. Wearing what appeared to be a turban and smoking a cigar the size of a small tree, the absurdly out-of-place Cigar Guy kicked off a worldwide Internet game of Photoshop one-upsmanship. Within moments, Cigar Guy began showing up all throughout history, like here:
You can see plenty more of the same at Funny or Die, among many other places. Heck, at least one site is already selling a Cigar Guy t-shirt.  
But at long last, he's been found! The London Daily Mail did the investigative work, and it turns out that Cigar Guy is actually a mild-mannered, mildly embarrassed young man! (Isn't that always the way with our heroes?) Cigar Guy is Rupesh Shingadia, a 30-year-old investment analyst who -- no kidding -- still lives with his parents in South London.
The first clue that Cigar Guy was not all he seemed was the fact that the "turban" turned out to be a ponytail wig, as you can see here from this alternate angle:

And as it turned out, the mustache was fake too. Shingadia was a few weeks early for Halloween. But who was the inspiration for his costume? Why, someone that golf fans should have recognized instantly, of course:

That's right, he was dressed as Mig

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