Tuesday, June 15, 2010

My Review of Port Elizabeth's Radisson Blu

The Radisson hotels are named after the 17th century French explorer and fur trader, Pierre-Esprit Radisson. In 1652, when Jan van Riebeeck was in the Cape setting up a refreshment station that would lead to the founding of this country, Radisson, only a teenager, had gotten himself captured by the Iroquois Indians on the other side of the world. He survived torture, was recaptured, escaped again and lead the sort of life that inspires others to name cities, streets and hotels after you. How many hotels do you know of that offer abseiling off the roof to their guests? Now you know why.
clipped from www.gotravel24.com

Let's face it; the Radisson Blu in Port Elizabeth is a cool spot. The modern glass spire on the popular Summerstrand towers elegantly over dolphin friendly seas and Blue Flag beaches. It's the Radisson's cool factor that attracts the who's who and ought to make an impression on you too.

In November last year a team of chefs from the PE Radisson Blu won the Unilever Foodsolutions Chef of the Year Award in Durban. In April Survivor finalists GiGi and Ashley Hayden abseiled from the roof of the hotel. In June Top Billing used the pool deck - part of Tabũ's cocktail lounge - to shoot a section on Mr. South Africa, Denver Burns. I'm wandering around with my camera just thinking about this when there he is, stretching out his arm to shake my hand, Mr SA. It turns out he hangs out here a lot, and looking around, it's not difficult to see why.

I live in PE, so take it from me, the Radisson really is ideally situated.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too, was fortunate enough to stay at the Radisson. Not only was it beautiful and very conveniently located, but the staff was awesome. Very friendly and helpful in every way. I moved down the street a ways, and still visit the staff at the Radisson to say hi. The view from the pool is wonderful. If you are traveling without a vehicle, you can easily walk to the beaches, markets, casino, and restaurants. Absolutley wonderful Cindy Bennett