Friday, June 04, 2010

Andries Bekker exposed by nosy neighbor

When she [the neighbor] couldn’t stand it any more the woman called YOU to witness what was going on.

SHOOT: Not really sure why this woman had to report it to a national magazine. What couldn't she stand - her own enviousness, jealousy?
clipped from
A rugby supporter recognised Andries immediately when he stopped his red Chevrolet Camaro at a park in Plattekloof, in the northern suburbs of Cape Town. A blue Corsa stopped behind him. He got out. A petite brunette in boots and a short skirt got out of the Corsa and fell into his arms.
The woman witnessing this was frozen in disbelief. Surely not him, her hero. But her eyes hadn’t deceived her. The next day the same scene played out, once again in front of her house.
When she couldn’t stand it any more the woman called YOU to witness what was going on.
 blog it

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