Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I deserved worse

During my lunch break today I got in my car, and whisked out my cellphone, attempting to connect to someone that I couldn't connect to in the building. We were in mid-chat when I pulled up at an intersection. I noticed, too late that a Metro police vehicle had turned on its lights, and the driver motioned for me to pull over so that I could be drawn and slaughtered financially.

I said to the copper: "Your enthusiasm strikes me as odd. Most people have a pretty lazy attitude to work, but you virtually sprinted from your car to fine me - because it's so dangerous to talk on a cellphone. I just wonder if it's not more dangerous to stop at an intersection, put on your hazardsand so force cars to swerve around you so that you can get your bounty."
This ruse appeared to work. The copper said he wouldn't cite me for my cellphone, but because I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. I could have done worse still - since my license disk had expired.

Since he didn't book me on more charges, and I still drove off with my seatbelt unbuckled (a very sleep deprived day with gym at 5am), it made me think my comment was on the mark. Either that or I am the world's most difficult person to get along with.

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