Monday, May 01, 2006


The power went out last night at about the time people turn on their lights, stoves and open the taps to a hot bath. Around 5pm. Just as it was getting cold and dark. It's an interesting experience being without power. You can't do anything except talk, and fornicate. For those married with children, the options are even fewer.

We lit a few candles and painted my table. An ivory white. It was quite an unusual experience. Painting by candlelight. You know what, I could get used to it.

Whenever I am in the lab typing, heads lift up to see who is thumping the keys at close to 60 words per minute. It's me, okay.

Got to bed last night at 4am, but slept better than I might have since Jodie came home after gallavanting all day. Of course is Jodie dies, I will never again be asked to look after the house while dad's away - it not really a case of looking after the house, but looking after the beloved mutts and the cat. Must say, I enjoy their company too. A nice bunch of animal personalities.

Didn't sleep very late this morning. But it was chilly. Went to fetch the TV and desk from Fransa's mom, and dragged Maria along. (I paid her R70 afterwards so I'm not sure you'll hear her complaining).
She tidied my clothes cupboard while I installed the blinds and made sure the TV worked (I drove over a speedbump so fast that everything in the back of the bakkie went about half a vertical metre in the air - ouch!).
Also added another touch of paint to the desk. It really needed to be sandpapered and wasn't because apparently I bought the wrong sandpaper.
Anyhoo, my place is starting to resemble a home, and is startling to feel like me. Need a few more things. TV table, broom, pictures on the walls, lightbulb in the kitchen.

I read an interesting artyicle in the Sunday Times yesterday. One was about Desmond Tutu who blames whites for not being more grateful to blacks that we haven't been murdered yet. The other was about fossil fuels. We're told not to complain about R6.11 per litre, because we pay a bit more than America does, with one of the cheapest gasoline prices in the world.
The UK, we're told, pay around R11 per litre. But then the pound tends to have more power. Still, R11 is quite a lot of money.
Also, our currency has made what might have been a much harder shock less so. I worry when I read articles like this. We keep getting warnings about an impending dire situation, and then some clever journalist tells us not to worry because of some or other statistic. Thanks. Let's carry on as normal. Life, right now, is pretty normal right. I'm not going to name the exceptions to that rule. Or even count them off on my fingers. I don't have enough. No, life isn't normal, unless we've begun to lose our marbles.

Speaking of which, it;s back to school tomorrow. My life is slightly better organised. I have had a great weekend. Swum hard, cycled far, and eaten like a king. Had crayfish and other seafood at Cape Town Fish Market with Fransa, San Marie, Ben and Katia. Delish. Our bill came to over R500, most of which was absorbed by Fransa (she was spoiling me).
Well, I have just bought her lunch, and we took in two movies over the weekend (also on me), so I don't feel too guilty.
San Marie looked lovely at dinner. A real little hard breaker she is. I also saw her briefly today in front of Cyclopede. And Koen was inside. Told him about the two more punctures we got after he left us (to nurse his second flat tyre). That's right, on Saturday we cycled:

Cycle: 102km
Time: 3:20
5 punctures
and some nice food at BJ's Caltex.
Nice to ride again with Andre and Berendine. Was much quicker than it would have been with the other girls.

Also swam on Friday:

Swim: 2km
Best 250: 3:29

Weight: 81.5kg

Want to chill now before tomorrow. Catch up on University reading, and go through my files, and get the names of kids in my classes on Excel spreadsheets.
Also need to set a class test for Friday.

Hopefully go for a swim and run tonight at gym. If there's time. Have finished the DVD. It's 2h 46:05, of video and photo with audio, and then 15 minutes of photos with soundtrack. It's addictive to watch, I think partly because it is so rich in terms of faces, and seeing oneself, and the music is really nice. Think they're going to like it. Need to pick up Alchohol 120% from Willie tonight so I can convert the Windows Media Player files (.wmp) to dvd writable format (.iso).

Need to get a good night's sleep. This week is only 4 days, but it feels like it's going to be a marathon.

Will post pictures of Cape Town Fish Market and more of the best Fietstoer picks when I come back to the lab (after class) tomorrow.

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