Sunday, November 06, 2005

"Have you had an AIDS test?"

Have you ever asked that question? It's not nice to ask, because it can kill the moment, and spoil the fun. But then, so can AIDS.

Men tend to think they would never catch something from a woman, he says.

Overall, adds Schachter, "it's a failure to come to grips."

Researchers weren't surprised that age, education and income influence sexual behavior.

While almost half of those with less than a high school degree never discuss STDs with a new partner, this group also was nine times more likely than college graduates to have paid someone for sex.

"The older you are and the more money you make, the less likely you are to engage in risky sexual behavior," says Fritz Wentzel, a spokesperson for Zogby.

'Sex is alive' in America
Most people who took the survey reported being in long-term monogamous relationships. But far from the stereotype that monogamy means the end of bedroom bliss, sex is a big part of their lives. Over 60 percent reported having sex within the last day or week.

Almost two out of every three couples are having sex at least once a week and a quarter report having sex more than three times a week, the survey found.

"Sex is alive and well in America," says Wentzel. "There are a substantial number of people who are having lots of sex."

In the survey, nearly 25 percent of men and and 13 percent of women reported having more than 25 partners in their lifetimes. Women were slightly more likely than men to have between six and 10 partners.

On the lower end, 34 percent of men and 38 percent of women say they've had one to five partners.

In comparison, according to the National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men ages 30 to 44 have had a median of six to eight sexual partners in their lifetimes; women have had about four.

"Alcohol and unprotected sex seem to spiral together," says Wentzel. "Unless you use your head when making these decisions, the more trouble you're going to get into."

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