Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Microhoo or Yasoft: how does it affect you?

Read Eve Dmochowska's article here.

Given that Yahoo is the most popular website in the world - think about that - what can other web sites learn from this? Well Yahoo is a central resource for a lot of useful information isn't it: email, news, movies, video and quite a lot of other stuff.

In the end though, Yahoo is still 'email' to most people. That is its problem. Same goes for Google. It wants to be more, but it started as 'Search' and is still, essentially, a tool for 'Search'.

A lot of brands simply refuse to believe or accept that they can be and can do more than they were conceived to do. Coke can never also be a car, no matter how hard it tries.

Branding is exactly what it says it is, and you can't be what you are and something else. To do that you need to create another brand from scratch, and not many are prepared to do this. Herein lies great opportunity...

Why Google isn't New Coke - but Microsoft and Yahoo may be Pepsi

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