Thursday, May 20, 2010

Don't mess with the mob

SHOOT: You get Batman and then you vigilante mob justice in SA - just as effective.
clipped from
Johannesburg - An angry mob brutally killed two teenage boys accused of robbing two elderly women in Xhongora near Mthatha, Eastern Cape police said on Thursday.
Colonel Mzukisi Fatyela said the pair, both aged 16, allegedly robbed two elderly women of R400 and R100 cash, after which community members caught the two boys.
The mob beat them with sticks and a sjambok before setting them alight.
"They were already dead when police arrived at the scene," said Fatyela, adding that the police were called about an hour after the boys had been killed.
Eighteen people were arrested in connection with the killings on Thursday morning, including a 15-year-old boy.
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