Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Health care is really sickness care, disease maintenance - and keeping people in the dark [literally]

As a result of this insidious pursuit of profit, a huge portion of the U.S. economy is now based on ripping people off, selling them things that actually harm them: Junk food, diet soda, cigarettes, pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, etc. Vitamin D, of course, produces no real profit (since it can’t be patented), so it remains universally ignored by all the corporations that dominate health care today.

SHOOT: You ask why it is crazy to trust the authorities, to trust advertising, to trust corporations, to trust capitalism? Because profits are made from deluding people, keeping them sick and having them spend a lifetime paying for treatments.
clipped from dprogram.net
Sunlight deficiency is now at epidemic levels
The sunscreen industry also shares some blame in all this, as it thrives on the silly idea that sunlight is bad for children and that all kids need to be smothered in sunscreen lotions before venturing outdoors. (Of course, they never admit their own sunscreen products are filled with cancer-causing chemicals in the first place…)
Above all, the medical establishment is to blame for vitamin D deficiency. Rather than teaching parents and children about the importance of vitamin D, they seem to have declared a blackout on most useful information about the nutrient, preferring instead to prescribe toxic pharmaceutical drugs to treat the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Osteoporosis drugs, in particular, are made virtually obsolete by vitamin D alone. That’s why you don’t see any drug companies talking about vitamin D — it would destroy osteoporosis drug sales!
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