Sunday, November 25, 2007

Northcliff X 2

Had a decent 2.4km swim yesterday with Nicky. Ended it off with a length and a half underwater, and could probably have gone further. Good news is that despite resting for the past few days, my weight is under 85 at 84.25kg.

I started taking a USN product this morning which accelarates your metablosim and helps you lose weight. A few minutes after ingesting the tablets I burped and tasted this horrible plasticky-chemical gas. YUCK!!!!!!!

Then, I took a bit of a tumble this morning. A car narrowly missed me, so I was forced to ride through a few inches of dirt and that's when my front wheel said goodbye. If I had been cycling faster I might have been able to stay up. I landed softly enough though. No scratches whatsoever. I guess a boep is good for something after all ;-)

My legs felt surprisingly vrot after not riding for 3 days. But they felt fresher as we approached Northcliff. We went up from both sides, and in the process I got my heart rate all the way to 167. In the 94.7 I only pushed it as high as 164.

On Northcliff itself you're pretty high up, at an altitude of 1724m. The climbs are long and steep, longer than 1km, from one side the climb is 2km. Ow. But a beautiful misty morning to be going up.

Here are my stats:
HR: 135/167
Distance: 34.4km
Speed Ave: 21.8km/h
Temperature: 14/17/22
Ascent: 630m
KCal: 1395

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Nick,
I know how is hard to training for a Triathlon race. I am looking to do this year the Ironman Triathlon in Brazil, but, I am been married also then, maybe I didnt. The race eheheh. If you wish, I would like to know your opnion about my
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