Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Is There A Point To Blogging?

I tend to agree with David Bullard: "Who can afford to blog?" We live in a world without much free time, hence fast food, drive thru and all the rest; time is a precious resource, and let's face it, blogging wastes time.

I've been doing a rethink recently about whether to blog at all, or to do a once-a-week update. The thing is when you attempt to combine exercise with work, you start finding your leisure time being stripped down to a minimum. And blogging tends to pick the slack, all those little moments you might otherwise be refreshing...

So going to sleep on this for a while longer and then see.
Speaking of sleep, I got up just after 4am this morning for a cycle.

Time: 1:19:44
HR ave: 132
Distance: 32.7km
Average speed: 27.6km/h
Temperature: 12/13/24
Ascent: 365m
KCal: 1069

I am hunting for a Infra-Red Device with a driver. So far I've visted Incredible Connection and come up short.
Meanwhile this morning was the 4th morning in a row that I've been up early, at around 6am. Going to go out tomorrow again and then rest on Thursday. Despite not finishing the OFM, my legs were still tired from Sunday's climbs today.

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