Thursday, October 18, 2007


Not exactly sure what I was on about, but after the show, and after dinner, I came back to the offices last night - this was around 11:30pm and worked another 2 hours. I was sound asleep, sort've, by about 2am. Then it was the matter of dragging my still sleep-breathing corpse here this morning (like the morning before).The only plus side to this sort of lifestyle is by the time you wake up (semi-literally) it's the end of the week.

That might be okay except for what Wilma van der Bijl said last night. Echoeing Lance she was saying cancer teaches this listen: LIVE RIGHT NOW. I've had flits of that, and need to get more into the Power Of Now. This job does tend to stimulate a constant gnawing on the bone mental activity. That needs to be balanced by incredibly vast amounts of physical movement and sweat. - MEMO TO MYSELF

I'm gonna attempt to have a bit more of a life - aka have some protracted fun - this weekend. Let's see, what's on the cards: swimming, rugby, a flick and kuiering amongst other pursuits. Should be good.

My intentions for this blog was to crack the top 50 and then see about getting higher. Know what I've realised? It's not worth it. There's a ton of better stuff to do. Re-he-he-heaaaally.

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