Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Forever setting goals and making plans is an excuse for trying to wiggle out of dealing with, or even enjoying the humdrum of every day life. But that's where we are, and what we have. We're in the here and now, so instead of always wanting what we haven't got, or wanting to be where we aren't, we really ought to find ways to make the present for us. I know I need to work on success in this area.

Hurt my left leg's hamstring yesterday during hill sessions. Not badly, but felt a twinge and then felt slight pain at a certain point on each stride. Had a nice swim, only 1km, just before the run.

Today is boiling hot. Going to lie low, then swim, and then either run or cycle after, depending on how the muscle feels.

Got agitated at the school. Kids are so lazy now they virtually don't do anything. Which makes my day long and boring, and the uppermost paragraph very relevant. Two days to holidays. Can't help counting down, but will try to make the best of these last two days.

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