Sunday, February 05, 2006

Harden Your Heart

Week 14, Day 6

I put my corpse into bed last night without dinner, and the result, this morning at 06:10, was a zombie. I kicked his butt into Saeco cycling pants, and in fact, I'm still wearing them.

I had to pump up my rear wheel with an air pump (at a local filling station), but made it to Grey in time to enter, and with just enough cash.

I started off in touch with the bunch (the stretch that we're supposed to take easy). Once the guys kicked, I immediately lost touch, immediately pursued, and just wasted MASSIVE amounts of energy flying ahead of a particularly useless bunch of cyclists - comprising some very old guys. At about 45km this bunch basically reeled me and another group of poursuivants who I'd lost touch with on a long uphill.
I think not having dinner just killed my energy, because at 50km, still safe in the group, I just felt so whacked, and on a gentle incline, fell away. So did another guy, and we ended up chatting for the remaining 30km. Sweaty ooze was dripping into my eyes at one point and it was all I could do to keep going in a straight line.

Cycle: 2:37 (2:21 last year*)
Distance: 86km
Maximum heart rate 173


Well, I wasn't so happy with my performance last year, but I remember I was with the lead bunch for at least 10-15km, and even broke off the front. And I remember I was using my heavy wheels. So my performance this year is nothing short of crap!

I will have to do some trips to Dealesville to lighten my weight and also get some endurance going.

Stress at home is making what ought to be easy and simple something lot less so.
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