Saturday, February 26, 2005

Week 17 Day 5 - Is It Possible?

I entered the Ironman today. R2150. I have a sore throat today, headaches, a slightly elevated heartrate and a slight fever, so have not trained at all.

I will decide later this evening whether to cycle in tomorrow's Tour de Bloem (although I have already entered for that event).

Had an interesting day today. Met Susan and had a rivetting chat with her about TEFL in Singapore, CELTA in Bloem and in general. She's a great contact. Ran into Lena at FNB and also had an interesting dialogue with her. She is doing her Masters now, and getting ready to write a book for women on fitness and training.

I went very quickly to Cyclotech to buy some energy gels. Don't feel like racing tomorrow but maybe I just need to rest and take it easy tonight.

Anything is possible...

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