Wednesday, December 09, 2009

People will be as astounded at our mule-headedness about dealing with climate change

SHOOT: I agree 100%. One of the reason we aren't able to see Climate Change as a problem is because it's an inconvenient truth; because we simply don't want to because that means we have to limit, curb, change our behaviour. And we'd rather not do that, in spite of what we know. To ignore Climate Change now is moronic.
clipped from
Once upon a time, I was a climate-change skeptic. I'm not one anymore. The evidence is in the ice.

--James Balog, director of the Extreme Ice Survey

I picture myself 30 years from now. I hear my daughters Simone and Emily saying with a certain amount of anger and exasperation: "Dad, with what everyone knew back in 2009, how could people not have realized the climate was changing?" And then they ask the personal zinger: "What were you doing about it?"

Hindsight can be merciless. People of any given era often look back in time and wonder how their predecessors could have been so dimwitted.

When the future looks back at the late 20th and early 21st centuries, people will be as astounded at our mule-headedness about dealing with climate change, as we now are at the foibles of earlier societies.

Unfortunately, the astonishing pace of climatic events, as witnessed in the ice, doesn't give us the luxury of time to be slow learners.

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