Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can't download iTunes - error 2096 [QICKTIME] - here's the answer

Okay I bought a new iPod and have struggled until now to get the new iTunes to work.

Here's the solution:

Try these steps to turn Windows compatibility mode off:

1. Quit iTunes.
2. Windows XP and Windows 2000: On the Start menu, click My Computer (or double-click My Computer on the Desktop).
Windows Vista: On the Start menu, click Computer.
3. In My Computer, open the C:\ drive (or whichever disk your Windows XP is installed on).
4. Open the Program Files folder.
5. Open the iTunes folder.
6. Right-click on the iTunes application (iTunes or iTunes.exe) and from the shortcut menu, click Properties.
7. Click the Compatibility tab.
8. Deselect the checkbox under Compatibility mode if it's selected.
9. Click OK.
10. Open iTunes and play a song.

I preceded all this by deleting Quicktime and downloading the latest version. If the above doesn't work, try doing that then repeating the above steps.

1 comment:

Bri Bri said...

Thank YOu