Wednesday, January 02, 2008

How (some) South Africans Celebrate New Year (Photography)

This was a great big family and friends gathering in Parktown North. This is how you have to celebrate New Year's - lots of family and extended family present, and then friends - of all ages. Throw in good grub, bubbly, a pool, music, dance floor, fire and lights and you've set the scene for celebrations and a great start.

Incidentally, most people seem to have had a rotten 2007. Mine was brilliant. I believe I am poised for an even better year in 2008. First have to shake off this flu, and while I'm at it, buy a new fan. Mine packed up yesterday afternoon. Imagine you're snoozing on the couch and the fan starts clattering maniacally against its own casing - what a RACKET! But to follow on with how I started this paragraph, we will have to deal with reality in 2008, and part of that will include lots of power outages in South Africa. There's a way to turn an inconvenience into 'something to do'. Get into the habit of doing something specific whenever there is a power failure. It's freetime to surrender to the moment, possibly read something, do some pushups, go for a run, watch the sun go down, kiss and make love.

I like Mike Finch's assessment in Runner's World for how to live this year. Scare yourself. Don't just meet your own expectations for yourself, go beyond them.

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