Thursday, June 07, 2007


Brrr...trying to keep warm.

Only managed 8 pullups last night. I suppose the bit of swimming (few lengths of butterfly and some freestyle just as they were pulling the covers on) makes a big difference.

Weight is at 86.6kg which is fantastic considering how little exercise I've been doing.

Had a brilliant Thai curried vegetable last night. Just R30. Funny thing: I guessed the girl's age who served me at 16 (she was 17), she pegged me at 25.

I've meant to speak to Natasha Eksteen about arranging a big Tour de France challenge at Virgin, That way we can train while watching each stage. Think I am going to continue hibernating at least until the end of the month.

There are some corporate soccer games coming up which will be an interesting diversion for the time being, as well as squash. Enjoying that.

Very ironic how things cover full circle. You get these oil refineries and machines dedicated to stripping the inner earth of fossil fuels, these installations refine the stuff, then it gets distributed to cars, the cars pump heat and smoke into the atmosphere, and it comes raging back at these original installations as super powerful storms with very, very sharp teeth. Rare, unusual, biggest ever are going to become words routinely associated with storms from here on out.

Not sure why but today I am suddenly receiving emails from Madeleine inviting 'klublede' to ride in this or that event, and 'come and fetch your clothes'. I did get an email from Mr Lemmer, so it seems like some movement at last.

J's birthday tomorrow, but going out tonight to eat, drink and be merry. M's birthday over the weekend, and then in the upcoming weeks', D's and F's. Should be interesting. Very cold day here once again. Brrr. Having a busier, better and more productive week but not quite where I'd like it to be.

In terms of The Holiday, the new book I am working on, have drawn some inspiration both from recent events and another book I'm reading called The Road.

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