Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Ran 2 laps in 1:01, roughly 9.5km.

Initally I was just brooding and annoyed, feeling like my day and probably week is probabled fucked because this (money mess) is going to piss me off bigtime. You know, then I thought I am really not going to go around stomping along, feeling sick and unhappy. But I wasn't feeling like another lap. What to do?

Then I just cleared my head, and decided to just write off the bad news I got earlier today. Hey, shit happens, sometimes you go out on a limb and things don't work out. You move on and just don't rely on that person again. Simple. Then you focus on the next thing, which is the next job, earning and making money again, and just being conscious of ways to save, not on how money went down the toilet.

Took out Alexander on video.

Am starving so am going to Delhi for a Russian soup. Think I'm gonna give the movie a miss and read for a while in Starbucks. The jog did me some good, because I feel a bit better.

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